…tulsa state fair…

Well, I loved it.

Two times I was able to go to the fair as a chaplain.  The Tulsa State Fair has had chaplains ministering to the people there for 23 years.  I have the privilege of helping out twice this year.  Once was on the first Friday and the other was on the second Thursday. On the last Saturday of the fair I went with my family, Curtis & Colby, Savanna, and Albert & Karen.  We had a good time and tried the Krispy Kreme Burger – a burger with no bun, just 2 donuts.  It was better than the fried butter that I tried while chaplaining.

If you’ve never been this fair you’ve missed something.  It is a pretty good one and has a lot to offer…if nothing else it is culturally enlightening!  Here are some pics of my week, plus my night out with family and friends.


Have you ever been surprised?  I know you have.  You’re already thinking about how back in high school you came home from a party, walked into your house, and your younger sibling jumped out at you from behind the reclining chair almost making you poo your pants.  Or the time in elementary when you saw your first scary movie with the lights out.  Yeah, you know you were scared.  I won’t even begin to talk about college and all the surprises that probably took place there.

There have been times in my life where when I take a look at the situation that I am currently in and pray but don’t necessarily believe God will answer.  I mean, I know I’m supposed to pray and ask God to come through.  I know that He wants me to call on Him and ask Him to do what only He can do.  And you remember verses like Philippians 4:19 that talk about how God will provide what I need.  So, I say those prayers and wonder to myself how in the world I am going to have to end up taking care of this.

Then something crazy happens.  I get surprised.  God answers the prayer.  He actually shows up.  He does what you’ve called on Him to do.  He ends up doing what He has said He will do, and we kind of walk away surprised that He kept His promise.

How soon do we forget that this is how He operates until the next time our back is up against the wall and we’re in need of Him.  There are a few things that I really need from Him right now.  I’m praying and asking for Him to show up.  I’m having trouble believing that He will though.  I’m wondering if the enemy will win this time.

I’m praying my fears will be put to rest by God showing up and winning the day.